Touch Point Awards second edition, two prizes collected last night too. This, for us of Packaging in Italy, is the confirmation that our agency is in the temple of the Big Italian Agencies.
After the victory with Paluani S.p.a. of the last year (you can find the article here), Packaging in Italy reconfirms itself with a double prize:
- With Despar’s private label, with its sub brand “Verde Vera”:
Product Identity\\Private Label Prize
- In the fourth range with the new brand “Erbenane”
Green and Sustainability Prize
The one just passed was a night that filled the heart with joy and pride to all the people who orbit around our agency: collaborators, partners, suppliers and customers.
There is nothing more beautiful than seeing awarded, by the experts, the project you worked on in the agency for several weeks. For us of Packaging in Italy is always a priority to win on the shelf the sales of the product (packaging) designed are the most beautiful satisfactions.
Verde Vera: Product Identity – Private Label Prize
Verde Vera is a Private Label line of Despar Nord Est. It is a biological green cosmetic line, developed to a female target who pay attention to the well-being of the person, to the eco-bio topic and to the sustainability of the packaging.
The most difficult task has been to relaunch this brand, since the line has been already on the market for 10 years with its sales always in the expectation.
Our goal was to realize a graphic restyling of the packaging that, compared to the previous one, had as many clear information as possible to the customers. We pointed on the green and natural characteristics of the product, on the sustainability of the package and on the certifications obtained by the line (EcoBioControl Cosmetic and Vegan Quality).
We have focused our work on a graphic that ranges between the herbal world of large-scale and perfumery, to emphasize the natural and beneficial elements of the products, with a particular attention on the environment.
Erbenane – Le erbe del benessere:
Green and Sustainability Prize
Erbenane is a new brand launched on the large-scale Italian retail market in the 2020. This case study concerns a segment market that has increased itself in the last years: the fourth range.
These are sprouts, in particular those of clover, leek and radish.
The product is for those people who pay attention to their wellness and feeding. We started the project from the naming to make people understand the sprout. It was important to emphasize the quality of the product, making us perceive as a new category.
The project continued with the realization of the logo and the packaging with a visual that plays with the single reference of the sprout illustrated ad hoc combined with a different yoga position.
We use the back of the packaging as a suggestion to use and with a QR Code that links to the website.
Thanks to the techniques of the brand positioning we have created a new segment market and we have differentiated the product even if it is a commodity. This project has been awarded as the best Green and Sustainability packaging.
The Touchpoint Awards are a landmark in Italy for the promotion of the Brand Identity culture, taking under the spotlight the excellence of strategic design and brand identity.
Celebrate the prizes with us, looking at the photos of the event.
If you want to know more about our services contact us.

In 1996 enters in the world of marketing, in 1999 founded Ardigia Marketing Funzionale (Ardigia Functional Marketing), in 2013 founded Packaging in Italy, Design Agency for Packaging Positioning™