Packaging in Italy è la prima azienda di packaging design e brand positioning italiana: il nostro obiettivo è creare packaging di valore che generino vendite.
Non siamo un’agenzia generalista che si occupa di qualsiasi strategia di marketing, ma ci occupiamo verticalmente di brand positioning e packaging design. Cosa significa? Che mettiamo in atto tutti gli accorgimenti di vendita strategica che portino il consumatore alla scelta del tuo prodotto e non quello della concorrenza.
Al giorno d’oggi le attività di brand positioning sul mercato possono risultare ancora più efficaci grazie al supporto di un’agenzia di packaging design: grazie ad un team di esperti e specializzati nella comunicazione visiva, il tuo prodotto non sarà più uno dei tanti sullo scaffale.
Con la Prefazione originale del guru americano Jack Trout, il Padre del Posizionamento
SCOPRI IL LIBROPackaging in Italy is the first Italian agency of packaging design and brand positioning: our goal is making valuable packaging which generate sales.
We are not a generalist agency that deals with any marketing strategy, but we vertically deal of brand positioning and packaging design. What does it mean? It means we implement all the strategic sales measures which take the customer to choose your product instead of the competitors.
Nowadays the activities of brand positioning on the market can result more effective thanks to the support of an agency of packaging design: thanks to a team of experts and specialized in the visual communication, your product is not going to be one of the many on the shelf.
Nowadays the Brand Image of a product is more important than ever for the consumer who, more and more often, get their purchases paying attention to the packaging design.
To increase the sales is no longer enough having a good product: to emerge among hundreds of products in the same category, among products which are all the same it is necessary to have an efficient strategy of brand positioning.
The development of our Packaging Positioning® allows your product not to be one of the many on the shelf and not to have competitors anymore. Our method brings us to analyze the specific characteristics of your product, to identify its differentiating peculiarity, to identify the consumer’s target, making reference your product by buyers and creating scientifically a packaging which is able to communicate immediately to the customers the uniqueness of your product.
Entrusting yourself to the professionalism of the team of Packaging in Italy you will not need to be afraid of your competitors: thanks to an accurate analysis of your positioning and its development on the packaging, through a strategic project of packaging design and brand positioning, your product can finally be fixed in the mind of the customer as a Leader of the market segment.
The ultimate goal is to allow your product to increase sales. Thanks to Packaging Positioning ™ we will investigate and realize with a scientific method a Packaging that is able to differentiate your product from the competition and to speak clearly of the solution to the need of the target customer.
We will highlight the unique differentiating of your product removing the competitors from the scene.
It will be designed considering the needs of your target audience thereby increasing the appeal of the brand image.
The final packaging is the result of a set of choices that will be taken to increase product sales.
Do you want to create a sales oriented packaging for your product thanks to our Packaging Positioning® method?