Why investing on the packaging of a product to win the battle on the shelves?

The results are the goals which unite companies.

From micro companies which is based on family business to multinational: the main goal is that of putting a “+” on the financial statements.

Reaching these goals is harder and harder: competition, crisis, customer who are more and more informed and changings faster and faster make more difficult to identify the strategy and the tools to promote and to market your own products.

For this reason the marketing can’t be reduced just to some advertisement. It is a formula which doesn’t work anymore.


What’s happening to the communication and advertisement world?

It is a fact that the effectiveness of the advertisement has decreased in the last years.

Too much advertisement and information have brought the consumer to develop a natural filter for all the messages who receives every day.

Filters and barriers which the consumers have developed in a natural way mean that the final choice of their purchases take mainly places in lanes, when they are in front of the shelves.

There happens the purchase, away from advertisement and distractions.

In this situation the packaging assumes a strategic importance.


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Today the packaging is the marketing of your product!

It has always been an underestimate tool which was interpreted as creative expression or logistic solutions (to facilitate the transport, the storage and the exposure).

Today the packaging assumes a key and fundamental role in the process of sales.

Distinguish your product, emphasize its characteristics and instill confidence in the consumers: they are the characteristics that are due to the packaging. Communicate them means selling.

Not communicate or communicate them in the wrong way means condemn the product to stay unsold.

In the crucial moment of the decision of purchase, communicate in a functional way to sales is the only way which can save you from crisis, competition and changings.

Advertising, institutional communication and unconventional marketing are still important, but less efficient than the past.

When they are associated to an anonymous packaging they lose their value.

Last link in the chain, last thing the customer see before the purchase, if underestimate, can compromise all the job previously done.

To understand the importance of the packaging you should think to the resources that small and big companies spend on visual merchandising.

Where and how a product is exposed is useful to give it the right visibility, how it communicates through the packaging is useful to sell.

Delegating to the advertisement this role neglecting the packaging means ignoring customer’s needs.

Representing the product in the eyes of the consumers is what we do every day.


If you want to know how a functional packaging could help your company to distinguish your product on the shelves contact us!


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