Last week has been a long week but also full of satisfactions; our work has been the protagonist of two very important events inside the world of communication which were held in two Italian cities.
Parma – Naples, Parma – Milan: we have gone up and down through Italy to retire awards after awards; this is a difficult world also for winners, believe me! 😉
Develop packaging headed towards sales by applying the principles of the Packaging Positiong™ produces results not only on shelves of stores (the real success of a packaging is evaluated in terms of sales), but also thanks to the recognitions of insiders.
One More Pack Naples
On Thursday, June 11th, we have received the award of creative packaging design for our work as “Best Functionality” for the company Paolo Lazzaroni & Figli SpA. It deals with the development of a dedicated shopper made of gold laminated cardboard, coordinated for the brand “Antico Chiostro di Saronno” (Ancient Cloister of Saronno). The aim was to place the product in the luxury slot and we have taken advantage of a vintage corporate image with a ribbon closure on the handling of the same shopper. For the printing, we have used a one-colour technique adding a little bit of white colour.
Mediastars Milan
Mediastars represents the technical award of the advertisement; we have already been protagonists at this event during past editions and we were delighted to have taken part also this year.
What the reason why? The new corporate identity realized by our agency for Auricchio S.p.A
As for the work concerning Auricchio I have already made an in-depth analysis on my blog, like the article that you can read in this page; the award ceremony on Friday, June 12th in Mediastars, in particular, awarded the restyling work as the best corporate packaging.
It has been an intense week with a lot of satisfactions, which confirm that the choice taken is the right one: thinking about the development of packaging without using creativity as a starting point, it is not just possible, but it becomes the key ingredient to obtain the long-awaited results (sales).
Do you want your packaging to be immortal? Find out more on packaging of Genetic Profit™ by downloading the eBook for free that you can find in this page.

In 1996 enters in the world of marketing, in 1999 founded Ardigia Marketing Funzionale (Ardigia Functional Marketing), in 2013 founded Packaging in Italy, Design Agency for Packaging Positioning™