The lethal mistakes which condemn also the greatest products not to sell are usually two and always concern their packaging.
The companies make this mistake without knowing that – both the small and the big ones – when they take some crucial decisions.
The most widespread one is not to take a decision, that is leaving the choice of packaging at the last moment, in a hurry, how it was a neglectable detail.
On the other hand when they want to do things right and invest on it; they decide to contact a creative agency entrusting the job in their hands and trusting in the magic formula of the creativity that we can resume in:
Creativity2 x Intuition2
—————————————– = Guaranteed Failure
Variables out of control
Have I extremized that? Personally I don’t think so, but the choice of the packaging has to be taken very carefully. In my opinion it means reasoning on precise and scientific elements (through a deep briefing with the customer and analyzing carefully the market and the target) and only then using the creative tools to achieve the main goal: increasing the sales.
After an accurate analysis is also fundamental to integrate perfectly the idea with 4 key elements which involve any product
Why should the packaging perfectly integrate itself with your company image?
The packaging of a product is involved at least in 4 business divisions:
- Marketing (it is the main part of your strategy and it could take your products to dedicated promotions)
- Positioning (it helps you to communicate your company message and obviously the message linked to the product)
- Sales (it creates the purchase motivations in the store)
- Logistic (its characteristics influence the sales, the efficient management of the logistic and its costs)
It means that every time you decide shape, structure, message and visual of the packaging which contains your product you should make sure that these 4 divisions were directly involved with coherence.
Looking at the things from the consumer’s perspective we realize that the image of our products contributes (as well as the simple sale) to reinforce, confirm and consolidate in our mind the idea we have about the brand.
If the company says “A” the packaging can’t say “B”
That is because in the development of a functional packaging is necessary involving all the key resources during the briefing (I have spoken about the briefing in this article).
The considerations on the brand identity, on what it communicates and on the distinctive feature which characterizes the brand itself (company, not just the single product) are mandatory evaluations in order to:
- Exploiting the investments done until that moment about the company image (especially for small and medium companies which can’t afford to make mistakes)
- Don’t create messages which are in conflict to each other and they are harmful for the sales and the brand. In fact, in front of any confusing message the consumer will react just in one way: not purchasing your product.
Radicalizing the concept: could an herbal tea, made from a company which is recognized for its biologic and sustainable choices, choose an aggressive image as an energy drink or strong drink counteracting the message with the brand itself?
I haven’t seen an herbal tea in a can of Red Bull yet, but I constantly see products which don’t seem to belong to the company who produces them. In this way the product doesn’t benefit of the strength of the brand, the brand itself is not reinforced by the product which the company puts in commerce.
In the worst case the consumer is not able to associate the product to the brand and they don’t purchase.
Do you need a Corporate Identity and you want to know the price? Click Here! →
Summarizing here you can find three practical advices:
- Involve all the key figures during the starting briefing (this phase is crucial!)
- Communicate clearly the concepts which characterize your brand (those that are recognized and those you would like to reinforce thanks to the packaging)
- Let the divisions involved speak to each other to create common and shared guide lines
Selling to the customer and not for the customer: the success of the packaging is not winning creativity prizes but increasing the sales.
You can talk a lot about coordinate image, but putting a logo on the company cars or on the website is not enough.
The real opportunity you have to exploit is getting into the customer’s house, obtaining their attention with the packaging which is the only tangible tool that is able to arrive in their hands.
At this point it is clear the difference between a functional packaging to the sales (able to speak to the consumer and which is designed to increase the sales of the product) and a creative packaging which is completely disconnected from the market reality.
Have you understood the importance of a precise marketing strategy that includes the packaging as a crucial tool for the success of your product.
What’s evident is that not to do, not to invest and keep underestimating the potential of the visual communication on your packaging is the way to fail.
How can you optimize the communication through choices of dedicated packaging? If you want to deepen it click here!
Are you interested in the cost of the restyling of your old packaging?
How much does the restyling of your old packaging?
Are you a Start-up and you need a quote?
How much does the packaging of Genetic Profit cost?
Do you want to know how much a single packaging cost?

In 1996 enters in the world of marketing, in 1999 founded Ardigia Marketing Funzionale (Ardigia Functional Marketing), in 2013 founded Packaging in Italy, Design Agency for Packaging Positioning™