Can the packaging convert the consumer into a customer?

Every agency on the market is able to give you a creative and accurate solution for your packaging.
But is this what you really need?
All products on the market have reached a high standard of realization, but despite the creativity and the attention to details, more and more products come back to the warehouse and from there most of them directly go to the dumps.

Have you realized a good packaging to send your products to the dumps? I don’t think so. In fact, in the dump they accept any kind of products even without packaging.

What you need to avoid the failure of a product on the shelf is being able to convert this handicraft ability into a tool at the service of sales: there is a lack of a proper packaging.

The vision which is at the base of a successful packaging – the one which characterizes Packaging in Italy – comes much earlier than aesthetic, stylistic or technical choices. All of them are vital aspects to obtain a positive end-result, but alone they don’t move your product into the customer’s shopping cart.

To be clear, increasing the mega pixel of a camera is not enough to obtain good pictures.
The packaging is a picture, the mega pixel are valuable tools and often the result of a meticulous work of research, on the edge of artisanal that distinguishes great works of art, but the essence of the success on the shelves hides itself somewhere else.

What decides the choices of creatives, art directors and graphics realizing the packaging of a product?

I don’t want to do a boring marketing lesson, but I think it is worth to spend 2 minutes to the accurate role that the packaging plays in the strategy of marketing of a product.
The Packaging is a tool of marketing, it is so important to have been defined the Fifth “P” in addition to the famous “4P” popularized by Kotler.
In addition to Product, Price, Place and Promotion, the Packaging, the Fifth “P” plays a fundamental role.

Summarizing the “4P” model made by Jerome McCarthy at the beginning of ‘60s and made famous by Philip Kotler, it defines the 4 activities of operating marketing indicating the 4 specific areas of application. In this way it is clear how the attention is not oriented on the product anymore, but introducing in the marketing mix the requirements of the market and the final consumer, the elements that until that moment were completely ignored take space: that is the needs of the customers.shutterstock_50076508

Listening and understanding the needs of the market is at the base of the revolution that Kotler brought into marketing, and in order to work, the choice concerning the packaging of a product should move on these principles. Moreover, the external aspect of any product with its box communicates in a direct way with the customer (final decision maker) and it is should always answer to their needs.

Being successful in the realization of the packaging means giving a real answer to the customer’s needs. Does your packaging do it?

In order to produce results in % of sell-out, the phase of research has to be oriented to the customers. The hand that put the product in the shopping cart and takes it to check out requires a priority attention.
Aesthetic canons, awards from your sector, inspiration and creativity don’t have any worth if that hand doesn’t go towards our product.


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What does the consumer look for, think and need?

Every aesthetic and stylistic consideration must answer first of all to these aspects.
Recognizing and translating them into a functional packaging to sales is in the DNA of Packaging in Italy.
That because in front of any choice we wonder: “will it help the product to get off the shelf?”.

It also must be considered that reaching the result of significant sales is more and more difficult: competition, a complicated market and dynamic of stricter and stricter distribution make the work harder for all the players.

In this scenery the inaccuracies and mistakes are never technical or creative aspects but always of evaluation. Not conceiving the packaging as a function of the end-consumer means ignoring completely the dynamics of the market (the hand that puts the product into the shopping cart) and losing the battle on the shelves.

When the creatives of agencies will explain you the characteristics and choices of design, just ask “how does this aspect make me sell more my product? And why?” Listen to the answer and after that draw your conclusions.

Also today modelling the realization of packaging shaping itself on the customer’s preference or indications is the routine.
To “take home” the work many creatives just follow the brief indications of the customer, without studying with a market analysis and a study of the customer’s habits.

Result? A nice packaging that customer likes but that doesn’t sell.

In our opinion the customer is not the one who is sitting in front of us but they are those in lines.
That’s the reason for which we think in function of their needs, we work for a packaging in order to sell!

Beautiful, pleasant, classy, impactful… are definitions without any meaning when the returns come back to warehouse. Indeed the meaning is clear. Define it just like you want.

Privileging customer’s needs without sacrificing creativity and technical details is at the base of our approach, because we know to be the only valid answer to the primary need of our customers: contributing at the process of sale putting a “+” to the final percentages.



Are you interested in the cost of a restyling of your packaging?

How much does a packaging of Genetic Profit™ cost?

Do you need a corporate identity and you want to know the price?

Are you a start up and you want a quote?

Do you want to know the cost of a single packaging?



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