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Benedetta Pascale

Marketing & Communication BF Servizi srl

To celebrate the edition of Cioccoshow in 2016, BF Servizi launched a new cioccolatino (small chocolate) dedicated to Bologna City.

It was born from a recipe of the master Renato Zoia, the Bolognino is a perfect mix of chocolate and aromas, which is able to enclose all the flavors of the city in 5 grams of pure taste.

Entrusting to Packaging in Italy the study of the wrapper of cioccolatino and some other kinds of packaging proved a winning choice.

Their proposals satisfied our needs, giving an innovative but at the same time traditional image, which is easily recognizable in the category market but also able to distinguish itself among the others in the same category.

Giving the right reminder of the city of Bologna in such a small space as the logo or the wrapper of every single cioccolatino wasn’t an easy task, but Packaging in Italy satisfied our needs.

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