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Alessio Baronti

Sales Director Neri Industria Alimentare S.p.A.

We had to adapt the image to the past without modifying what was the essence and the historicity of the logo and the graphic. Thus to celebrate the arrival of the 100% Tuscan tomato on the whole line “Primetta”.
The collaboration with Packaging in Italy brought to a new logo and a brand new image which contain all what we were looking for.

The extension of the line, initially started just with Pelati Tomatoes, it was necessary to bring on the market a complete line of red tomatoes of finest quality, all exclusively with a fresh basil leaf.
Etichs and passion with what we preserve the eight secrets of Primetta, made us incessantly work to make it possible to use 100% of Tuscan long tomato, to give the customer an excellent tomato with certified supply chain by a third part.

Neri Industria Alimentare S.p.A, owner of the brand “Primetta”, found in Packaging in Italy a great partner which has been able to translate all our needs in a masterly way.
We consider it appropriate to continue the collaboration also for other projects which are coming out in the next months.


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